Meet Team Muscle

Periodically we post information about our people to offer a more personalized experience to our readers and valued customers.  Today, allow us to introduce one of our long-time sales members of Team Muscle….


Ed Dittrich

Ed has been with Muscle Products Corp. since 1997 as part of our Technical Sales and Support team.

History & Experience

Before joining the Muscle team, Ed spent 25 years employed at the former Sharon Steel Corp., starting the day after he graduated from high school. In 1997, he transitioned to full-time work with Muscle Products Corp., having been introduced to their products through a friend. Ed has been with Muscle for 27 years. He enjoys making sales calls, addressing lubrication inquiries, and delivering products to our valued customers. Through the years, Ed has witnessed the company’s customer base expand, the introduction of new products, and the growth to a larger facility - all while retaining a dedicated team. It’s no surprise that one of the most common comments he hears is, “We love your products!”

Interests & Hobbies

Beyond work, Ed enjoys music and outdoor activities. He spends time mowing around his home and caring for his animals. Recently, Ed joined Brett Allen Morgan of BamBam Entertainment for weekly guitar lessons. He’s making great progress learning “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”!

Family & Inspiration

When asked "Who inspires him?", Ed says, "My Dad. He taught me to be dependable, honest, and hardworking. His motto was, 'If you're going to do a job, do it right.' He taught me to believe in myself." Ed is married to Linda, and they reside in Jackson Center, PA. He has 3 daughters and 7 grandchildren.

People, ProductsAmy Knauer